Lesson: Photo Scavenger Huntmr. Mac's Page

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. Photo exercise: Working in pairs and using the vocabulary list in the workbook for reference, students embark on a photo scavenger hunt to discover and make pictures of form, line, shape, texture, pattern, etc. (20) Review, share, and close. Staff Follow-Up: Download the images from the cameras and select student. A Simple Photo Scavenger Hunt Activity. Probably the hardest part of this lesson plan is deciding which scavenger hunt to do first! Once that’s accomplished, use this simple photo scavenger hunt lesson plan for adding a fun photo scavenger hunt to your summer holiday. Pick a scavenger hunt checklist. Discuss where the best place. As a group of 4 you will work together and separately to find and shoot images that are listed on the scavenger hunt task list. Each student in your team is responsible for taking an original image of every item on the list. This Scavenger Hunt will span the weekend, with images being due for group consideration next week. Photo scavenger hunt: Have each student find a photo that tells about them. You can have students find photos that express different things such as a favorite family member, a happy memory, or a favorite birthday. Funny Questions Scavenger Hunt: My final Zoom scavenger hunt idea is a little different from all the rest.

'I am incredible!' is the message of this Bible lesson for kids. Walk through Bible verses from Genesis 1 & 2 along with Psalm 139 and others to point out that we are each uniquely special andincredible because of the Creative God that made us! This Bible study lesson has many parts so that it can be adapted to whatever timetable you may have and according to how many students you are teaching. I taught the whole lesson with all but the extra activities in about an hour with thirty 3rd-6th graders.

Scripture: Psalm 139, Genesis 1 & 2, verses inJohn

Memory verse: Psalm 139:14 HCSB

“I will praise Youbecause I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Your worksare wonderful, and I know this very well.”

Central thought: “I am incredible because I am created unique & in God’simage!”

Object Lesson: Phototo demonstrate the “image of God”

Items needed: Dry erase board & markers or something similar for Pictionary; a photo of someone and cell phone.

Time Element: This lesson took almost an hour with all activities done with a class of about thirty third through sixth graders. Some activities may be removed for a shorter lesson.

Rec. Game withTie-in: Photo scavenger hunt –using cell phones, each group will have a list of things to take photosof and report back within a time limit.

Points to Emphasize for 'I am Incredible'

  • We are each created to bewonderfully unique and can say 'I amincredible!' because God created us in His image!
  • God knows me & wants me to know Him. He is all- seeing,all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywherepresent…He is the great I AM.
  • Because of sin though we no longer reflectGod’s image,but His greatest gift is to allow us to know Himthrough Jesus!
  • When we are “incredible” for God, wemake Him “credible”to others!

Opening Activity (5 min.) :

Recruit another adult to “argue” the point of which one ofyou is more “incredible”. Beginskit by saying “I am incredible!” (very enthusiastically!); have other adultsay, “No, I am incredible!” Continue for a few minutes “arguing” the point by saying back and forth– “I am incredible because… (I can jump high; I have strong muscles; etc.) Get silly with it! Finally look at the students and askthem who they think is more incredible…take a vote if you want!

After calming everyone down, let students know that through these 'I am Incredible' Bible lessons we will be learning that each one of us is incredible in their ownway. We are each unique andspecial…but not because of what we can do or be, but because of Who created us– GOD!

Point 1 (20 min.): 'Who Am I?'

I am unique and createdby God in His image...I am INCREDIBLE!

Have students open their Bibles to the verse for the weekPsalm 139:14 –

“I praise You becauseI am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that fullwell.”

Remind students that the book of Psalms is near the centerof their Bible and actually a book of songs. Psalm 139 was written by David.

In verse 14 David points out that we have been made –“wonderfully” – the Hebrew word there ‘Pala’ (paw-law) translated means “todistinguish, put a difference, show marvelous, separate, set apart, sever, makewonderfully”.

David realized God had made him unique…different…even maybe alittle “weird”!, and that was a wonderful thing! There is and never has beennor ever will be another me…another you! God never makes a duplicate! Even twins have differences!

Activity 1 - DNA - 'I am unique!'

We LOOK different!!!:

* Have those with blue eyes stand. Everyone sit.

* Those with curly hair stand. Everyone sit.

* Those with earlobes attached at the bottom stand. Everyone with sit.

* Those who can curl or roll their tongue stand. Everyone sit.

* Those with dimples stand. Everyone sit.

* Those who are left-handed stand. Everyone sit.

* Those who have freckles stand. Everyone sit.

* Those whose hairline on their forehead makes a point orwidow’s peak stand. Everyone sit.

* Finally have everyone clasp their hands together withoutthinking about it. Have them lookto see which thumb is on top and if their left thumb is on top to stand. Genetic studies have shown that about55% clasp with their left thumb on top and 45% with their right hand ontop. Everyone sit.

The point is that God has created us to inherit differentgenes. No two people have theexact same DNA! We are created tobe different…unique…which is INCREDIBLE – unbelievable and wonderful! Say it...'I am incredible!'

Look again at Psalm 139. Have different students read one verse each of verses 13-16.

Not only are we unique from each other, but we are uniquelycreated, wonderfully made different from any other created thing! God knows us and we have been createdto know Him!

Let’s go back to THE BEGINNING…turn back in your Bibles tothe first book, the first chapter, the first verse…Genesis 1:1. Have someone read this verse out loud.

We know that this first chapter describes how God createdeverything. Go through a quick reviewquiz of what God created on each day along with what He said about eachcreation. Have someone read outloud Genesis 1:26-27. Ask themwhat is different about God creating humans. (we were created in His image & He said it was “VERY”good! vs.31) [Note: Be ready if someone asks about God referring to Himself as‘Us’ and ‘We’ to briefly mention the Trinity – The Father, The Son & TheHoly Spirit, but don’t let this get us sidetracked.]

Activity 2 - Object Lesson

I am Incredible - photo/image: Before class begins use your phone to take a picture ofsomeone that will be in the room during the lesson. Tell the class that you are going to describe someone in theroom and begin ‘vaguely’ describing that person; have students raise their handand guess if they think they know who it is. Hopefully they won’t guess. Then ask them if it would help them if you showed them aphoto. Is the photo of the personactually the person? (No!) Doesthe picture look like the person? (Yes!) It is their image. We arenot God, but we were created to look like God in every way…the way we act, theway we talk, the way we love.

I don’t know about you, but there are a lot of times I don’tlook or act like God. When peoplelook at me, they wouldn’t say, “She is a picture of what God must look like!”

Show students the photo of yourself you brought. Scribble over it with the marker andcrumple it. Just like this picture…it’s hard to tell who it was a picture ofnow! Explain that God created usin His image, but sin came into the world and has caused us to no longer looklike God.

When we areunkind to others…we don’t look like God…it is sin.

When we tellsomething that is not true (a lie)…we don’t look like God…it is sin.

When wedisobey our moms & dads…we don’t look like God…it is sin.

Lesson: Photo Scavenger Huntmr. Mac's Page Book

When we talkbehind our friends backs or bully someone…we don’t look like God..it is sin.

Point 2 (20 min.): Who is God?

He is the Creator! Heknows me & wants me to know Him!

Let’s look at Psalm 139 from the beginning. Have different students read one verseeach of Psalm 139:1 – 6.

From the very beginning of creation, God has wanted us toknow Him. Let’s go back and look at Genesis 2. It tells the creation story also, but there is somethingunique & different. Havestudents compare Genesis 1:1 with Genesis 2:4 to see what is different about what God is called. In chapter 1 it just says ‘God’ in chapter 2 over and over He is calledLORD God. This is special andunique!

Have students look through chapter 2 and count how manytimes they see LORD in capital letters.

Tell them that any time they see LORD in all capital lettersin the Bible it is God’s personal name! From the very beginning God wanted us to know Him…to have a relationshipwith Him!

Use the example of someone famous; say “you know them as“…”, but their family knows them as “….“ God doesn’t want us just to know about Him, He wants usto really know Him…as a Father and a friend.

When God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush, Moses askedGod who he should say had sent him to lead the people out of Egypt. God told Moses to tell the people that“I AM, WHO I AM” had sent him.

God is and always has been. He was not created. He has always existed and always will exist. He is is all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywherepresent…He is the great I AM…and He wants us to know Him and know Him by Hispersonal name!

There is still a problem though…that sin that messed up ourimage of God in us…it also keeps us away from knowing God.

We can’t fix it ourselves (try wiping off the marker with awet wipe; it should make the picture even worse). We just make things worse. The only way to fix it would be to take a new picture.

2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that we can be made into newcreations!

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;old things have passed away; and look, new things have come.”

It makes me think of an ugly caterpillar that turns into abeautiful butterfly!

Jesus called it being born again. When He was talking to Nicodemus one day. (Read John 3:3)That didn’t make sense to Nicodemus…

Jesus went on to explain and I bet you can say John 3:16with me! (Quote it alltogether) Did you know that Jesushad said those words to Nicodemus?

Jesus made a way through His death and resurrection for usto be made new … like a new photo…to be made in the image of God again! (Have someone take a new picture of youwith your phone and then show the class.)

Lesson: Photo Scavenger Huntmr. Mac's Page Templates

What did John 3:16 say God did? What does it say we need to do to be right with God againand have eternal life? Believe…itmeans to not only believe in our head, but in our hearts we are to trust Godwith all that we are.

God wants us to know Him through Jesus Christ. He is “I AM”.

A little further in the Gospel of John, Jesus uses 7 “I am”statements to tell Who He is. Let’s look at these.

Activity 3 (10 min.) - Game of Pictionary

Ask for volunteers. Give each a word with a Scripture reference. (bread, light, gate, shepherd, resurrection, vine) Have them draw the item for others toguess and then share the Scripture reference for someone to read and see ifthey guessed correctly.

After someone reads each one, allow a few students to sharewhat they think the statement means for us.

Have everyone to look up John 14:6 together at the end andread. Remind them that Jesus, GodHimself, said that He was the WAY, the TRUTH, & the LIFE…no one comes tothe Father except through Him. Theworld may say there are many ways to God, many ways to heaven, but Jesus saidHe is the ONLY way. Who will webelieve & trust?

John 6:35 “I am the bread of life.” (He is all we need.

John 8:12 “I am the light of the world.” (He guides us. He helps us see…)

John 10:9 “I am the gate.” or “I am the door.” (He standsguard. He is the way…)

John 10:11 “I am the good shepherd.” (He watches overus. He takes care of us…)

Lesson: Photo Scavenger Huntmr. Mac's Pages

John 11:25 “I am the resurrection and the life.”

John 14:6 “I am the way and the truth and the life.”

John 15:1 “I am the vine.”

Every time you see the word LORD all in capital letters, letit remind you of Who God is and how much He loves you! He created you unique and specialand to be incredible for Him! Let's say it again - 'I am incredible!'

Point 3 (5 min.) : Living Incredible

When we live an incredible life in Jesus, we make Godcredible (believable) for others! We reflect His image…they can see a picture of God in us! They can see God’s love in us and forus and for them!

In this Bible study lesson series, we will be using thephrase “I am…” –

  1. “IAm Created!” – I am INCREDIBLE because God created me in His image!
  2. “IAm Chosen! – I am INCREDIBLE because God loves me and let’s me choose Him!
  3. “IAm Christ’s!- I am INCREDIBLE because with Jesus I am never alone; He is alwayswith me & has made me a part of God’s family!
  4. “Iam Called!” – I am INCREDIBLE because God has a plan & purpose for my life!

Guided Prayer Time (5 min.)

Lead students in silently praying toGod. Use the following ideas orcreate your own prayer prompts.

Have everyone bow their heads & close their eyes so theycan focus on God & not be distracted. Lead in talking to God –

Let’s start our prayer praising God. Tell God how “Incredible” He is!

If there is anything in your life that you know of that Godmay not be pleased about, let Him know you agree it is wrong and ask Him toforgive you.

Now think of some things you want to thank God for and tellHim thank you for each. Also thankGod for bringing you to camp this week.

Ask God to speak to you this week & help you listen toHim and come to know Him better. Tell Him about any worries or needs you may have. Yes, He knows everything, but He wantsyou to come and talk to Him about everything and ask for His help.

Lesson: Photo Scavenger Huntmr. Mac's Page Template

Pray for others that you know of that need God’s help –maybe they are sick or sad or need to know that God loves them.

Close the prayer time with a short prayer of your own.

Extra Activities:

Sometimes Bible lessons for kids can finish early; therefore we have included some lesson extenders!

Fun with Photos & Images:

  1. Play a game like 'I Spy', but have kids take a photo with your phone while no one is looking and begin describing object until someone guesses it.
  2. Have a photo scavenger hunt. Students must take a photo of each item listed.
  3. Have kids draw an image of a mystery word. Others must guess what it is.
  4. Find a Bible memory game to help students memorize Psalm 139:14

Next Bible Lesson on Identity - 'I am Chosen!'

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