4 Trustbuilding Apps For Your Website

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Trust International B.V. Was founded in 1983 and is globally active with 4 brands: Trust, Trust Gaming, Trust Mobile and Trust Smart Home. Sign up for the newsletter! I agree to receive the newsletters and know that I can easily unsubscribe at any time, see our privacy policy. If you get it right and earn your or your client’s customers’ trust, it can give conversions a powerful boost. First impressions and the professional quality of the site’s/app’s design are essential factors, just as their performance and security will reassure users.


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March 28, 2017byHope Church

Building trust through blog and website content

“Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” – Andrew Davis


Trust. It’s a pretty big concept for such a short word, and yet trust is a critical factor in the success (or failure) of many businesses. Think about the businesses you support. It’s likely that your confidence in those businesses is based at least in part on how trustworthy you think they are. Maybe it’s because you personally know the owner. Maybe it’s due to some great customer service you received. Or maybe it’s because others you know trust that business. For many businesses, the path to success is paved with bricks made of trust. One of the ways you can position your business as trustworthy is by building trust through your blog and website content.

Elements of Trust

We’ve already talked a bit about making your content valuable. The value your customers find in your content will make it easier for them to trust your business. But beyond the value you provide in your content, there are also other elements that help to create trust:

  • Capability
  • Reliability
  • Empathy
  • Clarity

Slow and Steady…

Building trust through your blog and website content is a lengthy process. Just like the story of the tortoise and the hare, it’s a race in which the winner is determined by his dedication to the outcome. There are no shortcuts to trust.

But just how do the above elements reveal themselves in your blog and website content? Let’s take a look.


What is your business capable of giving to your customers?

Can you do what you say you can do?

Don’t make claims about your company’s capabilities that you can’t back up through service.

In the early 1960s, the rental car industry witnessed a battle between the number one company, Hertz, and the number two company, Avis. Instead of trying to outdo the competition by making fantastic claims about their service, Avis took a unique approach. They acknowledged their number two position in the market and then went on to state that this was the reason they had to outwork their competitor. The slogan, “We Try Harder” refocused consumer attention on the effort that Avis put forth. They didn’t make any claims about product or service superiority. They simply pointed out areas in which they put more effort than the competition. As a result, Avis was able to close the gap in market share between themselves and Hertz.

You may not have a simple but fantastic slogan like that to center your marketing efforts on, but your company website should be where your content spells out your capabilities. Your blog posts and page content are a 24/7 showcase of what you are capable of providing to your customers. Use that platform to your advantage.

Do you have a customer project that you are particularly proud to share? Consider writing up a white paper that goes in depth about the project and its outcome.For many businesses, the path to success is paved with bricks made of trust. Click To Tweet


Can your customers count on you to follow through?

If you have a quantifiable measurement of your reliability, share that in your marketing. But do so carefully. You have to be able to back it up. We all have a story or two to tell about a company promise that was never delivered upon.

Catalog retailer Land’s End makes an iron-clad promise about their product quality. It’s on every page of their website and features prominently in their catalogs. When my daughter broke the handle on her rolling backpack, I contacted the company and received a postage-paid label and a merchandise credit to replace the bag.

If your website promises a three-day turnaround on your products or services, make sure that’s possible. If you can’t keep your promises, your customers won’t be your customers for very long. And in the age of social media, they’ll tell others about your shortcomings, too.

Be reliable – it matters.


Good marketing communications should address customer pain points. You can spend a lot of time talking about why your company’s products or services are the best available, but unless you can relate to your customer’s challenges, it’s a lot of hot air.

Let’s go back to Land’s End for just a moment. If, like me, you are the parent of a girl who doesn’t particularly like pink, or sparkles, or ballet, or anything else “girly,” you know what a challenge it was to purchase items from their line of girls’ clothing. In 2014, after listening to numerous customer comments on the subject, Land’s End debuted a collection of girls tees that appealed to the less-girly crowd. Not surprisingly, they were (and continue to be) a big hit.

Empathy comes from listening to what your customers tell you. Your content should let your customers know that they’re being heard.

4 Trust Building Apps For Your Website Reviews


You may have the most fantastic product or service available in your industry, but if you can’t speak (or write) about it in a clear way, it doesn’t matter.

When you know your business and your industry very well, it’s easy to talk over the heads of your customers. It’s tempting to do this in an effort to impress, but doing so will backfire. What your customers want from your content is plain language and good grammar. Be precise in what you want to say, and make sure you’re using the right words.

Your visitors also want your site to load quickly, be easy to navigate, and provide them with the information they need to make a decision. When you provide a pleasant user experience through your site design and content, you gain trust from your visitors.

…Wins the Race

Creating and building trust in your business is a slow and steady process.

Regardless of the industry you’re in, if you want to succeed you have to be perceived as trustworthy. Your blog and website content can go a long way toward this perception. Make every effort to present your business as capable, reliable, and empathetic, and do so in a clear manner. Your customers will appreciate it.

4 trust building apps for your website download

Aligning enterprise security around trust

4 Trust Building Apps For Your Websites

Just like any relationship, digital relationships are comprised of many small interactions over time. Together, these interactions provide a cumulative insight into who we are: our behaviors, interests, responsibilities and roles. In a digital world, however, companies need to continually test and validate those relationships as individuals move between devices, networks, applications and channels. This can create friction as users are repeatedly prompted for passwords, additional authentication steps and, sometimes, denied legitimate access to applications.

The goal of digital trust should be to create a secure, frictionless experience for users. To achieve this, organizations need to combine the right security technologies and processes to automate trust mechanisms rather than rely on manual controls. For example, replacing a password for each application with single sign-on or using advanced analytics to initiate step-up authentication are effective ways to turn on security controls without turning off users.

The right digital trust framework leverages advanced technology such as AI-infused fraud detection, strong and seamless identity and access management, data security with an integrated suite of capabilities and mobile security with unified, multidevice management. When combined, these technologies can help your business:

4 Trust Building Apps For Your Website Free

  • Extend security and identity seamlessly between on-premise and cloud-based systems
  • Bridge legacy and new technologies together to create a shared foundation of trust
  • Reduce security costs and streamline security processes across the organization
  • Provide cross-functional visibility to security teams so they can truly work as a team

4 Trust Building Apps For Your Website Download

IBM Security helps businesses create a world-class digital trust platform with our solutions and services. We offer IBM Security Guardium to protect data and ensure compliance, IBM Security Identity & Access Management to efficiently manage identities and validate user behavior and IBM Security MaaS360 to manage mobile security across the enterprise and beyond.