Why Should I Enroll In Xtn? Xtuple Open Source Erp For Mac

Hey Hi, Hows Going? Are You Looking For a xTuple? Yes. That I’m Very Happy To Tell you that you are one of the best articles on google for xTuple ERP. We Best ERP System Publish one of the best articles after detail study on xTuple PostBooks for you. So Don’t waste any time let go to the direct article on xTuple: A Detailed Review 2019.

Companies of all sizes— that need to be regulated and competitive— use xTuple, ERP, and customer relations (CRM). These essential supply chain roles are organized into one business system by the application: billing, marketing, consumer and distributor relationships, stock control, production, and distribution.

XTuple is a scalable, open-source enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that is utilized by companies of all sizes, from startups to Global 1000, although its focus is small- to medium-sized businesses that are growing. This software can be run on Windows, Mac, Linux and mobile operating systems. XTuple is a fully-integrated end-to-end software system for a large range of businesses and industries. XTuple includes the following: The back end database is postgres, which is a cousin of Oracle's database. The support model for xTuple being an open source product includes the entire user. Other open-source ERP vendors include OpenBravo and Compiere. Frank Scavo, president of IT research firm Computer Economics, said he sees two types of buyers for applications like xTuple.


Conceived for: make-to-order, make-to-stock, mixed-mode manufacturers. Sales: electrical, HVAC, wholesale distributors, plumbing, industrial, and consumer. Displayed with eCommerce / Marketing and Customer Service web portal in real-time.
xTuple is a flexible solution that makes it possible, without the complete implementation of the entire ERP system, to use system parts called ERPlets™ separately. Productive third-party app connection API option. In xTuple Business Management technology, displays and files can be quickly configured and automatically produce performance reviews.
Simple enough for small business start-ups, flexible sufficient for Global 1000 companies. Organizations with tabletops or disconnected systems to manage operations save time and money when all processes are integrated into a single, consolidated business system.

xTuple PostBooks

The free open source ERP platform is PostBooks Edition (PostBooks) for small and medium-sized enterprises. It has a PostgreSQL open-source database and a Qt open-source C++ framework and gives a range of enterprises and industries the ultimate in power and flexibility.
PostBooks runs on both Windows, Linux, and Mac–and is fully internationalized (Multi-currency, multi-tax structure support, and multi-lingual global community-kept translation packages). Any company with growth pressures can benefit from xTuple with:

BACKGROUND ON xTUPLE’s OPEN-SOURCE ERP APPLICATIONS. Xtuple provides Xtuple ERP, an open-source software that helps small and medium companies to manage all the information, transactions, production schedules etc. The Xtuple ERP application is a client-server system: a graphical (GUI) client, and a PostgreSQL database. Why You Should Care: In the commoditized ERP market, xTuple has achieved differentiation by building an active community of users around its open-source ERP product.


Flexibility to link data to consumers from all phones, everywhere, every time.
The integration with Windows, Mac, Linux, desktop systems across and within operating systems.


Sales improvement by integration with your online website and service customers of back-office functions.


Remove restrictions in and outside the xTuple critical business management tools.
Sales and customer services (CRMs) implementation–automated resources to guarantee sales success.
Capacity–eradicating limits in data history and database size, for example, to typical supply chain management system.


Modernize the business systems with a supplier and culture active in thriving R&D processes.
Extensive corporate management technology offers business management to the businesses, incorporating into one platform all essential operational areas, including client and vendor management, inventory control, and manufacturing and distribution.

xTuple Pricing

  • PostBooks – $45.00 per user
  • distribution – $90.00 per user
  • Manufacturing – $130.00 per user
  • Enterprise – $150.00 per user

xTuple ERP

xTuple Feature

  • Reconciliation of banks and deposits.
  • Materials Bill.
  • Intelligence Business.
  • Control of restrictions.
  • Management of Customer Relations (CRM).
  • eCommerce.
  • Management of staff.
  • Asset management.
  • Conversion of foreign currency.
  • Management of stocks.
  • Admin Task & Work Order.
  • Master Program for Production (MPS).
  • Resource Material Plans (MRP).
  • Writer report OpenRPT.
  • Order Management & Definition of Products.
  • Plan Management-Fiscal / Budget Disclosure.
  • Order to register.
  • Analysis of sales.
  • Transportation and receipt.
  • Time & Participation.

xTuple Training

Official classroom training from xTuple and ERP systems in general to more advanced user, administrator, and developer classes. The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) has approved the xTuple training courses so that students could receive CPE credit hours.

Why Should I Enroll In Xtn Xtuple Open Source Erp For Mac Os

Note: The innovative approach of xTuple to help companies reach the final successful level helps to overcome the divisions between companies. xTuple creates a reputation for three (3) aspects with its customers: faster launches, more flexible business development solutions.

We Also Mention xTuple in some of our the previous post you can check here

xTuple Demo

Why Should I Enroll In Xtn Xtuple Open Source Erp For Mac Pro

You can take free dome from their official website click here


xTuple Address

Why should i enroll in xtn xtuple open source erp for mac osx

xTuple Address is,

119 West York Street
Norfolk, Virginia 23510 USA

Having xTuple ERP installed and running is a prerequisite for installing xTuple Connect. Assuming this is the case, then you are ready to begin.


Before you install the xtConnect package, you should first make a backup copy of your xTuple ERP database. This way you can always restore the backup copy should you encounter problems during the installation process.

Start installing the xTuple Connect extension package by connecting the Updater to your xTuple ERP database. The process for connecting is identical to the process used when logging in using your xTuple ERP client software.

  1. If you have just downloaded the Updater, extract it into the folder of your choice

  2. Start the Updater and click the OPTIONS button. You will see the following screen:

  3. Enter your server, database, and port information

  4. Click the SAVE button

  5. Log on with the username and password for your xTuple Administrator user, 'admin' by default

  6. Select the File menu option

  7. Select the Open option, as shown in the following screen:

Once you locate the xtConnect package on your file system (e.g., xtconnect-3.5.0.gz), a short series of prerequisite checks will be performed. The following screen shows the results of a successful prerequisite check:

If the prerequisite check was successful, simply select the START UPDATE button to complete installation. Depending on the quality of your network connection, this final step of the installation process should complete quickly. The following screen shows results for a successful install:


Contact your system administrator if you encounter errors or extreme slowness after selecting the START UPDATE button.

To verify the xtConnect extension package has been successfully installed, log into xTuple ERP. Navigate to the list of installed packages using the following path: System > Design > Packages. If the xtConnect extension package was installed correctly, the package should appear as shown in the following screen:


Why Should I Enroll In Xtn Xtuple Open Source Erp For Mac Osx

Most xTuple ERP extension packages are named after the product they implement. The xtConnect extension package is currently (xTuple Connect version 3.5.0) named xtbatch for historical reasons. This will change to xtconnect in a future release.