Mmc 60th Anniversary Committee Meeting Minutes

  • In his remarks, the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Mr. Boss Mustapha, who is also the Chairman of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Nigeria’s 60th Anniversary Celebration, said.
  • 2016 TWIF Meeting Minutes. TWIF 60th Anniversary Newsleter. To expedite our acceptance by the International Olympic Committee as a sport within the programme of.
  1. Mmc 60th Anniversary Committee Meeting Minutes Agenda
  2. Mmc 60th Anniversary Committee Meeting Minutes Template
  3. Mmc 60th Anniversary Committee Meeting Minutes For Church
  4. Mmc 60th Anniversary Committee Meeting Minutes Meeting

Wednesday, January 20 & Thursday, January 21Registration Fee: $25 The presentation will take place virtually on Adobe Connect. All audio is Voice Over Internet with no dial in. For full participation in discussion sessions, attendees should have access to a microphone. Please contact the COPAS Office with any questions at Wednesday, January 20 9:30.

After six decades, the International Cable Protection Committee (ICPC) continues to fulfil its mission by advancing submarine cable protection worldwide. Today, marks the 60th anniversary of the ICPC’s first Plenary held on 26 November 1958.

In the mid-1950’s, a group of submarine cable systems operators formed The Cable Damage Committee (CDC). At the inception of TAT-1, (the first transatlantic coaxial telephone cable system), an international committee was conceived. The TAT-1 system used the unidirectional flexible repeater where two cables were needed to make a transmission circuit. Because two submarine cables were needed to achieve bi-directional communication, TAT-1 was twice as vulnerable to faults via ships’ anchoring or commercial fishing. At CDC’s inception, eleven Member organisations belonged to the group. Today, the ICPC has grown to over 175 Member organisations with Membership open to governments, ship operators, system suppliers, survey operators and “Associate” Members.

Brief history of the ICPC:

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The inaugural CDC Plenary meeting was chaired in London on 26 November 1958 with an agenda focused on cable damage by beam trawlers in the North Atlantic and North Sea, charting of cables, and acting as a liaison with the thriving fishing industry—topics that remain on the agenda today. The CDC continued to meet in London until its fifth and last Plenary in 1967 and in that year, the CDC Members decided to change the organisation’s name to the International Cable Protection Committee to better emphasise submarine cable protection rather than submarine cable damage. The first Plenary under the new name was held in Paris, 1968.

Early-year highlights:

  • 1972: ICPC addressed the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) for the first time and continued to do so until 1982 when the international treaty was ratified by most nations and signed into law.
  • 1973: ICPC introduced its first Recommendation (a guide promoting the highest goals of reliability and safety in the submarine cable environment) titled: ‘The recovery of out of service cables.’ Currently, the ICPC has 17 ICPC Recommendations.
  • 1973: ICPC produced its first film ‘The Catch That Nobody Wants.’ Since then, the ICPC has produced three more educational films.
  • 1980: British Telecom International created the first draft crossing agreement. Later in 1998, ICPC produced the Recommendation titled: ‘Criteria to be Applied to Proposed Crossings of Submarine Cables and/or Pipelines.’

Mmc 60th Anniversary Committee Meeting Minutes Agenda

Today and beyond:

The ICPC has accomplished much throughout the years including: educational industry videos and published monographs, international joint workshops and an inaugural webinar. The ICPC continues to support peer-reviewed scientific research, publish submarine cable data, engage with the wider community as well as participate in UN Assembly meetings. By working cooperatively with the International Seabed Authority (ISA), European Subsea Cables Association (ESCA), International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), Rhodes Academy of Oceans Law and Policy and SubOptic, ICPC will always promote “sharing the seabed in harmony with others.” Also this year, the ICPC’s General Manager was interviewed on the flagship BBC World Service ‘Newshour’ programme, and the end of the segment, the interviewer signed off stating: ‘The International Cable Protection Committee – who ever knew there was such a thing!’ – apparently an increasing number of people around the world now appreciate the significance of submarine cables in promoting and protecting both national and global economies and international trade.

Read the full release here: International Cable Protection Committee celebrates the 60th anniversary of its first submarine cable protection initiatives.

How to Plan an Anniversary or Milestone Celebration

Anniversaries are exciting times of life. They make us look back to where we’ve been, and compel us to look forward to the path ahead, and each participant brings their own perspective to the remembrances. A church’s anniversary can be a time of uniting to celebrate the growth of God’s kingdom.

When properly done, an anniversary can be a bonding experience for the church, and can have many lasting benefits for the congregation. A church anniversary celebration is a lot of work, and should be headed up by a very organized person. The church should allow at least a year to complete the task with maximum results.

Many things happen in connection with anniversary celebrations. Many churches use this opportunity to spruce up their facilities for homecoming gatherings. Others use these celebrations to springboard into special projects in the church.

Organizing an anniversary celebration involves the 3 P’s: Prepare, Plan, and Pull it together.


  1. Appoint a committee. This special committee should be created at least a year before the celebration. All the major areas of the church should be represented by a member on the committee: chair of deacons, chair of the finance committee, Sunday School director, WMU director, Church Training director, children’s committee chair, music committee chair. The pastor should serve ex officio, and while the committee need not be chaired by the history committee chair or church historian, both those people need to be on the committee. While these are only suggestions as to the makeup of the committee, the essential things in selecting committee members is that they should have an interest in this activity, and that they should be capable of giving input into the process. If the chair of a committee is either unable or unwilling to take on this commitment, they should appoint someone to serve in their stead who fits the essential criteria.Subcommittees may need to be broken out of the larger group to focus on plans as they develop. Larger churches may wish to enlist representative staff members to add input into specific areas.
  2. Get the event on the church calendar. Often activities can be scheduled to enhance the celebration. The earlier the event is calendared, the more activities can be planned around it. While the observances may be scheduled for a single day, or a week or month, it needs to come to the attention of the full church as soon as possible to make sure that other activities do not get scheduled against it that might take volunteer energy away from the anniversary.
  3. Decide the objective. Is this celebration intended to look back only, or to provide a springboard into the future? If you want your congregation to come away from the celebration invigorated, it is important to show them how far the church has come. Preparing a timeline may be helpful in this; having a church history will make this step easier. If there is no church history available, one will be necessary for the celebration, and the anniversary program may help to interest church members in preparing one.
  4. Decide on the program. The type of program a church chooses to use in commemorating the anniversary will determine the number of days for the celebration. Some churches may wish to observe only one day; usually the Sunday nearest to the actual anniversary date is selected. Other churches may wish to start activities on Wednesday evening to culminate on Sunday. Larger or older churches may use a full week, Sunday through Sunday, to commemorate the event.


Once these four points have been established, it is time to set to the real work of planning. To do this, the scope of the anniversary program will need to be decided.

Mmc 60th Anniversary Committee Meeting Minutes Template

  1. Church history. A church history is crucial to the success of an anniversary celebration. If no up-to-date history exists in a church, one should be prepared, either by the history committee or the church historian, or by a subcommittee of the anniversary committee. If a church does not have a history committee or historian, this may be an opportune time to get them in place. If a history is already prepared, copies should be available for church members who do not have one. If a new printing is being published, be sure to have enough to give to all church members, and save enough for new church members.Funding the printing. If there is no church history published and the history committee or church wishes to have one published, this will be an expense that may not have been figured into a budget. If funding is a problem, start ahead of the year lead-time usually allotted for an anniversary event, and begin a special fund-raising project. Often churches will print a cookbook as a fund-raiser. This is an excellent way to promote the theme of the church’s past by getting recipes handed down from generations of church members, or including small pieces of church history in the cookbook.Plan a service highlighting the church history, as a way to bring attention to the history and the fund-raising project, and to introduce thoughts about the anniversary celebration to the congregation.
  2. Prepare a brochure or booklet. If your church history has recently been updated, preparing a brochure or booklet giving the historical outline of the church may be enough to distribute during the anniversary observance. Pictures of historical interest could be used for illustration. Think about including programs from the anniversary services as part of the booklet.
  3. Plan the activities for the observance. These may include a pageant depicting historical events from the history of the church, a banquet or reception to honor special guests from the church’s past, or a reenactment of early services in the church. One congregation celebrated their centennial by having an outdoor service, where the minister arrived on horseback, in the manner of the circuit-riding preacher who helped start the church. Some churches create a time capsule. There are many ideas for the actual celebration. Contact the Historical Commission or your association for churches that have had celebrations, or contact the Historical Commission or MBC liaison for ideas.


Mmc 60th Anniversary Committee Meeting Minutes For Church

Once the preparation and planning are done, it is time to pull together the last details, and to get visiting dignitaries invited to the occasion. These activities should start about one month before the celebration.

Mmc 60th Anniversary Committee Meeting Minutes Meeting

  1. Send the invitations. Usually churches invite former pastors who are still living, or their children to represent the family. Often people raised in the church who have gone on to become ministers or work in church-related vocations are invited as well. Be sure to include a portion of the celebration to recognize those guests, and some may even be included in the program. If the church plans to defray the costs of travel and other expenses for these guests, that should be clearly stated in the letter of invitation.
  2. Promote the event in the church. Put up historical exhibits in the weeks before the celebration, to raise awareness of the event. If the church does not have an archives or history room, this celebration can spark interest in starting one.
  3. Gather and display a visual history. Display pictures of former pastors, church buildings, charter members, and other photos of interest. These will create interest in the celebration. If the church does not have any of these pictures, this interest may cause the members to come forward and donate any materials they may have.
  4. Spread the word. Publicize the event locally to encourage former members to come, and to spread word-of-mouth to others who may have moved away.